Once you've received your engagement ring you'll have much time to stare and daydream about a wedding band as equally beautiful as the ring he professed his love for you with. Our experience tells us that brides are very concerned about finding a perfect match and won't settle for anything that will detract or overpower the engagement ring. So it is crucial that a ring is chosen that has similar design elements as your engagement ring and fits nicely against it. Today's engagement ring designs can be quite elaborate which is great but it creates the problem of finding a nicely matched engagement ring. Unfortunately many jewelers don't have matching wedding rings available for their engagement rings although, you should always check with the jeweler your ring came from first to see if they have one available. What we've seen most is the difficulty in finding a ring that looks like it was made for your engagement ring and while not having spaces between the wedding band and the engagement ring. There are 3 approaches to solving these problems when choosing your wedding ring.If you've received a ring that has multiple diamonds or has an intricate and unique design you may have experienced a problem finding a band. In an effort to get your wedding ring to fit together you may choose a contoured ring, or a wrap. A contoured ring is a band that has been specially designed to gently curve to the contoured profiles of today's most popular engagement ring styles. Unfortunately, a contoured ring will not look good on its own and if you plan on wearing your wedding ring on it's own you may be displeased with the way it looks by itself. If you are most concerned about a perfect fit against your engagement ring and won't wear the wedding band alone then a contoured ring may be best for you.If you have a solitaire engagement ring and you would like to spruce it up with your wedding ring then a wrap could be great. A wrap is designed to fit nicely around your diamond and over the top of the sides of your ring. Most designs have a series of diamond or gemstone accents set with rounds, princess cuts and baguettes. There are many choices to choose from and most people are successful at choosing a wrap that works will with their ring. There are 2 important things to consider with a wrap; most wraps won't fit perfectly out of the case, and wraps can't be worn by themselves. With slight adjustments to the wrap most of them will fit nicely on your engagement ring. Make sure you choose a jeweler who has a skilled jeweler in house to do the work for you.Wedding-band-ring.com, branching off of a Los Angeles jewelry wholesaler with more than 20 years of experience in the jewelry industry, launched its first online presence in late 1999. Wedding-Band-Ring.Com being, at the time, our wedding division of Apples of Gold Jewelry.Our wedding rings are the most high-end and sought after item that we carry. Most of our wedding bands retail for approx. $600 per ring. Ours start at approx. $300! Yet we carry the same quality wedding band, and in most cases, a higher quality wedding band than you will find in a retail jewelry store. The difference is the price.
Posted by: Enno Cinta
Berita Terbaru, Updated at: Tuesday, July 22, 2008